Join the HCA

Membership in the Hollywood Citizens' Association is open to all residents of Hollywood. As a member of the Hollywood Citizens' Association you receive HCA newsletters, are eligible to vote at monthly meetings, receive a discount on Hollywood Community House rental, and support your community.

You can PAY YOUR HCA DUES ONLINE. Membership dues are $20 per year, paid in January.

To pay by check, print and complete the Membership Application below and mail it with a check made payable to Hollywood Citizens Association.

Hollywood Citizens Association
Membership Application

I would like to become a member of the Hollywood Citizens Association. Enclosed is a check for $20.00, covering the annual dues.




Phone: ____________________________________________

Email: ____________________________________________

[ ] Keep me informed of Hollywood Events with Hollywood Happenings, the HCA Email Newsletter

Send your application to:
Hollywood Citizens Association
P. O. Box 262
Brookfield, IL 60513